Security for Restaurants

Axis offers Security for Restaurants. Protect your assets and your hard-earned reputation by giving your guests an added sense of security with an Axis Protection Officer at your fine dining establishment.
Food and alcohol bring out the best and the worst in people. With the rise of domestic disputes and dating violence, having a security presence – whether armed or unarmed, uniformed or plain-clothes – reduces liability and ensures a safer, more enjoyable guest experience for all. We can deal with intoxicated or irate customers so your staff can continue serving your guests in a peaceful atmosphere.
To show your guests and staff alike that you are proactive when it comes to their health and safety, we now offer Mask & Temperature check stations, including mask checks and no-touch temperature checks for staff and guests through this pandemic crisis.
Not only will our professional security experts walk through your facility looking for strengths and weaknesses, they will assess your security needs and give you solid advice on your current system. Camera placement, lighting, exits, and cash handling are just a few areas we will consider in our comprehensive protection plan for your facility.
We also understand that your business goes beyond your doors. Randomized hourly parking lot patrols, securing of entrances and loading docks, as well as checks of your dumpster area will keep your restaurant trouble-free for staff and guests alike.
- Security for Corporations
- Security for Industrial Buildings
- Security for Manufacturing Plants
- Security for Office Buildings
- Security for Churches
- Security for High-End Residential
- Security for Banks and Financial
- Security for Schools
- Security for Construction Companies
- Security for Hospitals
- Security for Retail Locations
- Security for Hotels & High-Rises
- Security for Data Centers
- Security for Private Airports
- Security for Country Clubs
- Security for Stadiums & Ballparks
- Security for Restaurants